Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different kinds of words 2 sounds and letters 3 information about words words that belong to particular varieties of language LANGUAGE the meaning of words MEANING
1 different kinds of word - a sound or letter, or a group of sounds or letters, with a particular meaning: word What's the Spanish word for table? ◎ I don't know what this word means. ◎ That word is not spelt correctly. - relating to words, especially spoken words: verbal verbal skills - all the words in a language, or the number of words that a person knows: vocabulary By the end of this course, you should have a vocabulary of 2 000 words. - a word or group of words that relates to a particular subject: term 'What's the term for someone who collects stamps?' 'A philatelist.' - the special words and expressions which are used by people who know a lot about a particular subject: terminology (noun U), jargon (noun U) scientific terminology ◎ legal/computer jargon - the short form of a word: abbreviation; we say that an abbreviation is short for the complete form of the word The abbreviation for 'Monday' is 'Mon'. ◎ 'Dr' is short for 'Doctor'. - to use a short form of a word: abbreviate sth 'Telephone' is usually abbreviated to 'phone' in the spoken language. - a word which consists of two words put together in order to make them easier to pronounce: contraction There are two possible contractions of the phrase 'it is not': 'it's not' and 'it isn't'. - a word or group of letters that you add on to the beginning/end of a word to change its meaning: prefix/suffix 'Pre-' is a prefix which means 'before'. ◎ '-ly' is a suffix used to make an adjective into an adverb. ※ groups of words - a number of words that go together to express a particular meaning: expression a slang expression ◎ Try to think of a more informal expression. - an expression with a meaning that you cannot guess from the meanings of the individual words: idiom 'To fall out with' in 'He's fallen out with his girlfriend' is an idiom.
2 sounds and letters - to say a word, paying attention to the way the sounds are made: pronounce sth I never know how to pronounce the word 'data'. - the way in which a word is pronounced: pronunciation (noun C/U) I need to practise my pronunciation. ◎ There are several possible pronunciations of the word 'garage'. - one of the sounds that you make with your lips and teeth open; one of the sounds represented in English by the letters 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o' and 'u': vowel a difficult vowel sound - one of the other sounds in a language: consonant The sounds represented by the letters 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', etc are consonants. - a word or part of a word which contains one vowel sound: syllable There are three syllables in the word 'computer'. - the force that you put on part of a word when you say it: stress; verb: stress sth In the word 'consultant', the stress is/falls on the second syllable. ◎ You stress the first syllable in the word 'Italy'. - the parts of a word that you say with more force than the other parts are stressed; opposite: unstressed In 'teacher', the second syllable is unstressed. - the technique of using words which have the same sound as each other, especially at the ends of lines: rhyme (noun U); a word that has the same sound as another word: rhyme; if words have the same sound, they rhyme Does 'poor' rhyme with 'law'? - one of the symbols representing a sound, that forms part of a written word: letter 'A' is the first letter of the alphabet. - to write or say the letters of a word in the correct way: spell (sth); noun (U): spelling Many English words are difficult to spell because there are a lot of silent letters. ◎ I'm not very good at spelling. - the way a word is spelt: spelling (noun C/U) Remember to check your spellings. ◎ the difficulties of English spelling - to spell a word wrongly: misspell sth You've misspelt my name! ※ more on letters LETTER
3 information about words - to give an exact explanation of the meaning of a word: define sth 'Can you define 'slim'?' 'Yes, it means "thin in an attractive way".' - a book that contains lists of words and their meanings or words with the same or similar meaning in another language: dictionary a Spanish-English dictionary - to look for a word in a dictionary: look sth up (in sth) 'What does this word mean?' 'I don't know - look it up in the dictionary.' - a list of words, often at the end of a book, that gives the meanings of some of the more difficult words in the text: glossary ※ MORE ... - if you do not think that a particular word should be used to speak about sb/sth, you can use the expression so-called before you say the word This so-called Socialist Party wants to privatize public services! - the historical origin of a word: derivation (noun C/U) English has many words of Latin derivation. - a word from which you can make another word by changing the position of the letters in it: anagram 'Meat' is an anagram of 'team'. - a joke that is made using a word with two meanings or different words that sound the same: pun to make a pun - a word that is made from the first letters of a group of words: acronym 'Ecu' is an acronym for 'European Currency Unit'.
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