see also SPEAK, LANGUAGE - the sound that you make when you speak or sing: voice I'm sure I heard voices outside. ◎ Shh! Keep your voice down! ◎ He's got a sore throat and he's lost his voice. ◎ She's got a beautiful voice. - connected with the voice: vocal vocal music - a voice that you can hear easily because the person makes a lot of noise is loud to speak in a loud voice - a voice that is not loud is quiet, low, soft She has a very quiet voice and it was difficult to hear what she said. - the way a person speaks (for example how loud or soft their voice is), which shows how they feel: tone (of voice) He spoke in an angry tone of voice. - to make your voice quieter: lower your voice; to make it louder: raise your voice - a child's or a woman's voice is high; a man's voice is deep - when a boy's voice becomes deep like a man's, it breaks* His voice still hasn't broken. - if your voice is rough and quiet, for example because you have a cold or a dry throat, it is hoarse (adverb hoarsely), husky (adverb huskily); noun (U): hoarseness speaking in a hoarse whisper - if your voice is weak, for example because you are nervous, it shakes*, trembles His voice shook with excitement. ※ the different voices of singers SING