Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 parts of a tree 2 different kinds of tree 3 places where trees grow 4 using trees see also PLANT
1 parts of a tree - the hard outer covering of a tree: bark (noun U) - the liquid in a plant or tree: sap (noun U) - one of the parts of a tree that grows under the ground: root - a small thin branch: twig - a new leaf or flower on a tree before it opens: bud - a flower or a mass of flowers on a fruit tree: blossom (noun C/U) - part of a tree that is left in the ground after it has been cut down: (tree) stump
2 different kinds of tree - a kind of small tree with many branches: bush - a tree that produces fruit: fruit tree - a tree that produces apples, pears, plums, etc: apple tree, pear tree, plum tree, etc - a tree that is covered in green leaves all year round is evergreen; noun: evergreen Pine trees are evergreen. - a tree that loses its leaves in winter is deciduous Apple trees are deciduous.
3 places where trees grow - an area of land with a lot of trees: wood, woodland (noun U) a beech wood ◎ woodland flowers - a large area of land covered in trees: forest (noun C/U) a tropical forest ◎ Much of the land is covered in dense forest. - a thick forest in a tropical part of the world: rain forest, jungle the Amazon jungle - an area of land covered in woods or forests is wooded, forested densely wooded areas - a small area without trees in the middle of a wood or forest: clearing - a field or part of a garden where fruit trees grow: orchard an apple orchard - a large piece of land used for growing trees for their wood: plantation a conifer plantation (= of trees like pines)
4 using trees - to put a very young tree in the ground so that it will grow: plant sth - to cut a tree at the bottom so that it falls down: cut* sth down, chop sth down, fell sth A lot of trees will have to be cut down when they build the new road. - a tool which has a long metal blade with sharp teeth, and is used to cut wood: saw - a tool with a wooden handle and a metal blade, used for cutting wood: axe (AmE ax) ※ pictures of saw and axe CUT - the hard material that the trunk and branches of trees are made of: wood (noun U) Put some more wood on the fire. ◎ It looks as if it's made of wood but in fact it's plastic. - wood that is going to be used for building: timber (noun U) - a thick piece of wood that has been cut from a tree: log - a factory where logs are cut for building: sawmill ※ more on wood WOOD
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