1. the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating (Freq. 1) • Syn: sedimentation, alluviation • Derivationally related forms: sediment (for: sedimentation) • Hypernyms: geological phenomenon • Hyponyms: lode, load 2. matter that has been deposited by some natural process (Freq. 1) • Syn: sediment • Derivationally related forms: sedimentary (for: sediment) • Hypernyms: matter • Hyponyms: alluvial sediment, alluvial deposit, alluvium, alluvion, dregs, settlings, lees, salt lick, lick, evaporite 3. the natural process of laying down a deposit of something • Syn: deposition • Hypernyms: accretion, accumulation • Hyponyms: electrodeposition, pigmentation, redeposition, superposition 4. money deposited in a bank or some similar institution • Syn: bank deposit • Hypernyms: fund, monetary fund • Hyponyms: demand deposit 5. a partial payment made at the time of purchase; the balance to be paid later • Syn: down payment • Hypernyms: payment • Hyponyms: margin, security deposit 6. money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use - his deposit was refunded when he returned the car • Hypernyms: security, surety 7. a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met • Hypernyms: guarantee, warrant, warrantee, warranty 8. a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping • Syn: depository, depositary, repository • Hypernyms: facility, installation • Hyponyms: archive, bank, bank building, drop, library, depository library, lost-and-found, museum, repertory, sperm bank, storehouse, depot, entrepot, storage, store, treasury • Part Meronyms: storage space 9. the act of putting something somewhere • Syn: deposition • Derivationally related forms: deposit (for: deposition) • Hypernyms: buildup • Hyponyms: repositing, reposition, storage, warehousing
1. put, fix, force, or implant (Freq. 3) - lodge a bullet in the table - stick your thumb in the crack • Syn: lodge, wedge, stick • Ant: dislodge (for: lodge) • See Also: stick out (for: stick) • Derivationally related forms: lodgement (for: lodge), lodging (for: lodge) • Hypernyms: fasten, fix, secure • Hyponyms: redeposit • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something PP 2. put into a bank account (Freq. 2) - She deposits her paycheck every month • Syn: bank • Ant: withdraw • Derivationally related forms: bankable (for: bank), bank (for: bank), banking (for: bank), depositor • Hypernyms: give • Hyponyms: redeposit • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - They deposit the money 3. put (something somewhere) firmly (Freq. 2) - She posited her hand on his shoulder - deposit the suitcase on the bench - fix your eyes on this spot • Syn: situate, fix, posit • Derivationally related forms: deposition, position (for: posit) • Hypernyms: put, set, place, pose, position, lay • Hyponyms: bury, sediment • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP